Random, my love.
Water, wich is recycled, slowly flows into the center of the cross beam, which tips to let it out.
But which way will it tip? What is remarkable is that with all the science in the world, no one can predict exactily how it will be moving a minute frome now.
This the way the world is. In this simple machine, you are looking at a new frontier in our understanding of the world. Scientists call it chaos.
Some people look to sciences for certainties on which to base their lives. Increasingly we realise our knowledge can never provide certainly, even for this simple machine. The world is a more wonderful and more suprising place than we could have imagined.
C'est exactement comme ça que je me sens en ce moment ! Tout est assez aléatoire, chaque semaine s'accompagne de son lot de découvertes, simples ou étonnantes, mais je ne sais jamais ce que la semaine prochaine me réserve.
PoP Pop pOp poP va savoir ce que demain nous réserve ! Ne s'attendre à rien et espérer le meilleur !