Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Avant-goût ! It sounds like Britain !

I went to a wedding last week-end in the south of france and I spent a bunch of time speaking in english with Olly and the White family (Joël, Luce and Rubuk).

It was like a first experiment of talking in english and listening to english during an entire day!

It wasn't easy all the time (Thanks God, Joel, Luce and Rubuk speak french !),

but I loved it !

Maybe cause those guys are all very nice and fun !

Thank you all and see you soon !

And Congratulation
Anne-Laure and Thomas
for your wedding,
it was fantastic !

Now, in about 10 days i'll be in England ! ( I hope so !)


Anonymous said...

Great, a hole note written in english, you look very keen!
I expect you can't wait to go now, and I wish you to enjoy your stay in England as much as I did!
Petit veinard va.

DoZeR said...

hu hu!
je vais tout faire pour m'y eclater...
mais mon blog sera certainement pas aussi bien que le tiens !

Anonymous said...

hé, dis pas des trucs comme ça. d'abord, toi tu reste un an, t'auras plus de trucs à nous montrer, donc ça sera forcément mieux !
bonne prépa de départ, et oublie pas ton saucisson et ton camenbert dans le sac : ça te fera des réserves, et ça peut toujours fonctionner comme arme chimique si jamais on t'embête.

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